The Dream


For three years I have been looking for the perfect piece of land.

Perfect for me and Kora is not the same as perfect for a lot of people. Lots of water, lots of trees, an area to grow crops but also plenty of space for small livestock. Goats, pigs, chickens, quail, maybe ducks.

I always knew just where I wanted it to be and have spent a lot of time daydreaming about finding it.

And then I found it.

It’s everything I want. I’m so protective of this silly little dream that I’m not even going to say where it is but I want it so very bad.

This perfect piece of land is double what I wanted to pay. It’s feasible but would be a rash and silly choice. And yet, I keep looking at it.

I think the main thing to come out of finding this place is that I am going to actively look at the possibility of trying to raise some money. I am not (yet) willing to change my ideas or ideals but I am going to look at trying to sell as well as trade and barter.

Fellow simple life/homesteaders, what surprising ways have you found to bring a little income into the home? Have you found it difficult to earn a bit of money without losing the good things about life?


5 thoughts on “The Dream

  1. Homesteading in tropical climate I found several little sources of income. Like selling or bartering fruits, crops or plants that grow in abundance. Or processing those further before selling (like homemade fruit wine)
    Selling cheese and other milk products as well as making milk soap. (Goat milk will be excellent πŸ‘)
    Living on my perfect piece also makes me feel so satisfied and creative that I always get new ideas too.. like doing little custom made sewing jobs or translating jobs and little handcrafted arts I sell at a nearby tourist destination. A lot off little things adding up. I wish you the best of luck for your perfect little piece of land!

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  2. If you want to grow crops, choose wisely. Ie. Go look at the land at every hour of the day. You need the sun shining on it for at least eight hours, more than that is preferable, the more sun, the better chances you will have at success. Good luck. Want any tips, don’t hesitate to ask. I will advise you the best way I can.

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  3. Hang on to your dream. Make it so real in your head and heart that you can touch it. taste it, feel it. Never stop believing that you CAN do it. Create a vision board. Be open to consider any opportunities that come your way. Look for synchronicities. If you believe in the Divine, ask for help, guidance and support to manifest your dream. Celebrate the success – NOW.

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